Komunikasi Organisasi Sebagai Penguatan Kelembagaan Di Sektor Pertanian (Kasus Alih Fungsi Lahan Pertanian Di Kabupaten Sleman)


  • Paksi Penggalih Universitas Gajah Mada
  • Hermin Wahyuni Universitas Gajah Mada
  • Trisakti Haryadi Universitas Gajah Mada
  • Alia Raya Universitas Gajah Mada


One of the ways in which institutional strengthening among several organizations can
be done through communication. Organizational communication that work well can encourage the
achievement of an organizational goal. The case of conversion of agricultural land that occurs in
Sleman Regency really requires the role of local government institutions so that the rate of land
conversion is not higher. In carrying out its role, good communication between government
institutions is needed to strengthen collaboration between institutions in an effort to control the
rate of conversion of agricultural land in Sleman Regency. Based on this fact, this study aims to
describe how communication organizations working in Sleman Regency government institutions
to strengthen institutions in the agricultural sector in the case of land conversion. This study uses
qualitative methods for descriptive purposes. The subjects of this study were several government
institutions in Sleman Regency, namely (1) Sleman Regency Agriculture, Food and Fisheries
Service, (2) Sleman Regency Land and Spatial Planning Office, (3) Integrated Licensing and
Investment Services Office of Sleman Regency, (4 ) National Land Agency, and (5) Regional
Development Planning Board of Sleman Regency. The results of the study show that
organizational communication working between several local government institutions for
institutional strengthening in the case of conversion of agricultural land in Sleman Regency uses
organizational communication with vertical and horizontal direction of communication with
written and directly formal media with regulative and consultative function.


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